I have consistently appreciated the sensible, money-saving, rational advice I've seen on this site. However, this ranks as the best and most valuable. The money being wasted on exotic cables of all types could really upgrade audiophiles' listening experience if it were re-allocated to better speakers, room acoustics treatments, and equalization for problems that cannot be solved by room treatments. All of these can actually be measured -- I know, what a concept! -- and speakers can also be evaluated using double-blind testing. By the way, you will NEVER, EVER see proponents or manufacturers or sellers of cables submit to double-blind testing. They all extol what sounds like science, but absolutely resist replicable, statistically robust, double-blind testing where the subjects have no inkling which product costs $500/meter and which one costs $3/meter. Your rational advice brings this topic down to earth where it belongs -- out of the realm of blind faith, subjectivity, and witchcraft in advertising and sales promotion rhetoric.