Center channel speakers are a real problem. They are the most difficult of all to design. There is nothing like human speech for showing the deleterious effects of crossovers, especially in the speech discrimination band.
Right off the bat most centers are no good out of the stating gait as they are horizontal and not vertical MTM arrays.
I have found that the only centers that really cut it are three ways with vertical tweeter mid arrangement and no crossover in the speech discrimination band. So the mid needs to cover from 400/500 Hz area to 3.5/4.0 KHz range.
Failing that a well designed coaxial driver approach with an obsessionally resigned crossover.
I also have great success at Eagan using a full range driver. I use one of these in a sealed box.
Speech intelligibility is excellent and natural without shout.
There really are few center speakers that are any good on the market. In my view they in fact so bad that I think most systems would be better off without a center.
The BBC seem to agree with me as in their multi channel offerings no center channel signal is provided. Their reasoning is that far too many centers just muck everything up. I agree.
I have one system that does not include any center speaker. The speakers are three way and the mids cover 400 Hz to 4 KHz and speech clarity is superb. It would have to be an absolutely superb center to improve things.
So before you spend money ditch your center.
For drama and the telling of stories natural human conversational speech is a prerequisite, but is so very seldom achieved.