Florida Expo Show Coverage Report: Loudspeakers, Tube Amps and Cables Oh MY!

little wing

little wing

Audioholic General
Wasn't it Donald that said if Hillary was elected, she'd be under constant investigation? :rolleyes: If you watch Fox News, you'd actually think Hillary was President based on how often they keep bringing her up. But, I digress. We were talking about cable snake oil salesmen, not failed casino owners ;)
And he's STILL taking shots at Obama...because he used to walk his dog on the white house lawn :rolleyes:


I seem to remember some special AH speaker wires that came with a battery.

They gave buttery smooth highs and deep bowel shaking bass.....or something like that.


Audioholic Samurai
most respectable companies, for instances Tributares and Straightawire based here in Florida, offer free demos, why not find out for yourself
A rather tainted sentence. In an effort to untangle:
respectable comapnies will either NOT give cable demo or will to show it makes no difference when done right

since companies that make money selling copper 10, 50 or a 100 times what it costs, alter the source material to fool customers, NO don't go out and find out for yourself. When (and if) such a cable that improves sonic quality hits the market, you'll hear about it and MOST probably here, regardless of the reputation this forum has. People here love sonic improvements and wouldn't actually mind such a cable, but will not pay for hot air

this cable: straight wire crescendo III, goes for cca. 1k$ for 3feet, so "respectable" and straightwire shouldn't go together until straightwire decides to say; no improvement what so ever, but if you like the wrapping, give us 1k, we're still waiting for to see even one single company to say that


Audioholic Spartan
the general feedback that I have read from the show was that it was an un-mitigated success with a very good 'youthful' attendance. the fact that it was free I'm sure helped out as well
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Audioholic Spartan
Gene, since you were there, what was your favorite room ?


Seriously, I have no life.
Enjoyed your review but your ranting about cables reminds me of Hillary going on and on about Donald. Lol. I guess you are trying to warn newbees but since most respectable companies, for instances Tributares and Straightawire based here in Florida, offer free demos, why not find out for yourself. As for batteries, I think based on the average age of those attending Friday those batteries should be reserved for their hearing aids. Lol.

They're too big for hearing aids, but they're exactly the same as what is used in many garage door openers and automotive keyless entry systems.

Has anyone asked about the battery life and current involved in the AQ cables?


Seriously, I have no life.
People here love sonic improvements and wouldn't actually mind such a cable, but will not pay for hot air

this cable: straight wire crescendo III, goes for cca. 1k$ for 3feet, so "respectable" and straightwire shouldn't go together until straightwire decides to say; no improvement what so ever, but if you like the wrapping, give us 1k, we're still waiting for to see even one single company to say that
I think someone needs to name a company or esoteric product line 'Hot Air'.

You think that's overpriced? Here ya go-


And this one, because it has little pieces of wood close to the ends-


And, just because those aren't silly enough, this-



Audioholic Spartan
They're too big for hearing aids, but they're exactly the same as what is used in many garage door openers and automotive keyless entry systems.

Has anyone asked about the battery life and current involved in the AQ cables?
And whether alkaline batteries have a different sound than heavy duty or rechargeable?


Audioholics Master Chief
Gene, since you were there, what was your favorite room ?
Sadly I only got inside about 10 rooms as my time was limited. I'd say my favorite room was the Von Schweikert / VAC room because it was just full of so much esoteric stuff. But my favorite listening demo was probably the Legacy Calibres.


Audioholic Ninja
Gene, since you were there, what was your favorite room ?
I know the question isn't to me.

My favorite "room" was MBL. It was large and actually had accoustic treatments in it and the sound was nice.

My favorite "sound" was split between the Paradigm room and a pair of 80s-looking JBLs that were in a room for some other product.

The coolest to me were the Muraido.

The biggest takeaway, and the one I'm likely to buy something from is Vanatoo.


Audioholic Field Marshall
The profit margins in snake oil are too high to pass up. But you have to look at the demographic that's paying for it. They've already justified dropping $50k on a pair of speakers, so buying a 30 dollar roll of zip cord to connect to their amps is in some ways an insult to their sensibilities. Plus, it just has to sound better if it costs more, right?

We know that diminishing returns hits faster with interconnects than with components, but folks who can afford it will buy it regardless. The nauseating marketspeak from those peddling this stuff certainly doesn't help matters.


Seriously, I have no life.
8 gauge is used in 240vx40amp designs. That's 9,600 watts. Can you suggest what subs would call for that sort of connection cable?

Also: that appears to use a standard 5-15P connector. A couple points on that. 1: The connector isn't designed for 240x40 (instead being designed to handle 120x15) and 2: the outlet (power supply fed to it, and wires connecting it) won't be either. It would be a violation of electrical code.

It filters... what exactly? Where can I hear the effects of this noise in the power line? It shields? Again what?

I agree with the use of shielding analog interconnects; but power cables appears to be snake oil.

It's interesting he mentions McIntosh as his background since Roger Russell is famously from there and has written stark opposition to exactly this sort of thing.
All that cable would achieve is a much smaller voltage drop in the cable as current increases, if that matters at all. But then, the house wiring would drop as the current increases.;) So, one is chasing ghosts. :D

I guess he was not around Russel much or it didn't rub off on him or just disregarded it.;)


Seriously, I have no life.
I agree any,gauge lower than what's in the wall is a waste but there's nothing wrong with shielding a power cable though the effectiveness of doing so is questionable.
Yes, and yes. :D
So, 10 coats of wax on the car is a questionable overkill? :cool:


Seriously, I have no life.
I seem to remember some special AH speaker wires that came with a battery.

They gave buttery smooth highs and deep bowel shaking bass.....or something like that.
If memory serves me, it also had great lighting inside it.


Audioholic Spartan
I had a bunch of MIT cables that I tossed last year as I wouldn't wish them on anyone

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