most respectable companies, for instances Tributares and Straightawire based here in Florida, offer free demos, why not find out for yourself
A rather tainted sentence. In an effort to untangle:
respectable comapnies will either NOT give cable demo or will to show it makes no difference when done right
since companies that make money selling copper 10, 50 or a 100 times what it costs, alter the source material to fool customers, NO don't go out and find out for yourself. When (and if) such a cable that improves sonic quality hits the market, you'll hear about it and MOST probably here, regardless of the reputation this forum has. People here
love sonic improvements and wouldn't actually mind such a cable, but will not pay for hot air
this cable: straight wire crescendo III, goes for cca. 1k$ for 3feet, so "respectable" and straightwire shouldn't go together until straightwire decides to say; no improvement what so ever, but if you like the wrapping, give us 1k, we're still waiting for to see even one single company to say that