Well, since last Saturday night kind of ruined my setup for me (not that bad, but now that I know what I am missing…) I went out again this weekend for what can be called A Fun Time on a Saturday Night II: This Time it’s Personal!
I visited an audio boutique in Dallas that carries several high end brands: Wilson Audio, VTL, Linn, dCS, to name a few. I talked to the salesperson and tried to describe what I was hearing with the GamuT speakers to see if they had anything with a similar approach to the sound that did not start at $20K. The guy seemed to be knowledgeable and had an idea. He kicked me out of the room while he set up and I poked around the shoppe, looking at all the (expensive) pretties. When he called me in, he had set up a pair of ProAc D Twos ($3600). I was excited because I remember how impressed I was with the tiny 1SC fifteen+ years ago. He asked me what I wanted to hear via Tidal, but first started things off with "Tin Pan Alley", which I made him change immediately (he also wanted to play Miles and Brubeck - but if I am not going to listen to them at home...). They sounded very nice. I really liked the treble as it was very delicate, but they really did not have anything on my KEFs and in no way sounded like the GamuTs. The salesperson was bragging on how deep the bookshelf ProAcs played while my mind was wandering. The Rogue Audio integrated was nice, though... On to the next! I met a guy on FB that is the local Harbeth dealer, and I may go see him this week or the next.
Note 1: This shop did not really have anything else that I was interested in save the Devore Fidelity Orangutan 0/96, which are freakin' gorgeous and priced as such at $12K (a bit out of my range). Maybe I'll go back some time and have a listen, but I think they were tired of me by that time.
Note 2: I won't go into amplification, but it was pointed out to me that my Yamaha A-S801 was probably the weak link in my audio chain. Take that for what you will.
Note 2: I was corresponding with the guy that brought his pair of GamuTs from Santa Fe to the event last week and he said he had never heard them sound worse. He did not know if it was due to the amplification (PS Audio) or the room acoustics. I believe the latter (though I heard nothing wrong - quite the contrary!) because the Gamut rep told me in an email that they would be moving another pair to a room with a lot less acoustical treatments. I mean really - that is pretty scary if they could sound even better than they did! Crap, there goes another kidney...