but is the motion 40 a real upgrade to the q900? I've only heard the Q950, and not a direct comparison between the two. But I also liked the MA Silver 300 over the Motion 40, and I preferred both over the Q950. (Well, MA over Martin Logan in general... nothing against ML, but for the price, I wanted more from ML than what MA delivered to my ears, and ML failed on that.)
Again. Subjective. YMMV.
Regardless, there may very well be a good step up from the Q900 for our OP Friend... but we do seem, as Shady put it, to be focusing on a Lateral trade.
@robertpalmer676: What is your usage? HT or Audio? Is there a characteristic to the KEF that you are unhappy with?
For $2K USD, if you want to go outside the box and can be patient, Salk Sound Song Tower would be great for a music-first system. You might want a sub to round out the bottom octave, but by most accounts, it fits with your currently stated parameters.