I think most of the top DACs today (in the CX-A5200) will have better specs than the older DACs.
All these high-end DACs have such awesome specs. So the difference in sound quality (if any) won't be due to the DACs.
I'm sure Gene could buy the McIntosh MX160, Marantz AV8805, or any other pre-pro.
But he seems very happy with his CX-A5100. I think he mentioned that he might be upgrading to the CX-A5200/MX-A5200.
I don't know, he might get the $4K Monolith HTP-1 since this thing took many of us by surprise. But it does cost almost twice as much.
Since you already have the Monolith 200x5 amp, the Monolith HTP-1 might be on your radar.
1. Sell everything, except the Monolith Amp. Then add the Monolith HTP-1 and another Monolith amp.
2. Try the CX-A5200, which costs a lot less.
One thing, though, your Klipsch speakers are extremely sensitive, right? Aren't they close to 100dB/2.83V/m?
So why do you need so much power for such high-sensitivity speakers?
I bet if you set your speakers to small and let your powered subs do all the heavy lifting, The CX-A5200/MX-A5200 (500W x 2Ch into 2 ohms Dynamic Power) would be all you need.