Hey everyone could use some help here. I'm looking to upgrade soon.
I have 3 SVS prime towers upfront for left center right. Surrounds are the Elan Theaterpoint THP650ls. 4 of em. Heights are 4 RSL C43e's in ceiling Subs are 2 SVS PB 4000's
Denon X4400H reciever 2 crown XLS 1002 amps with an Emotiva UPA-7 amp. Plan to go all crowns when I upgrade speakers. The 1502 actually.
Room is 8500 cubed feet of air big room very open layout
I'm going to upgrade the 3 fronts to SVS ultra's and then move the primes to surrounds for my base layer
Here's where I need some help. I do have some issue with the high end with the prime towers. Once in awhile I catch vigilance or just a touch of shrill with demanding highs.
Now I loved the golden ears highs I debuted but felt the primes beat them in overall dynamics bass and had just as good imaging. But the highs no question golden ear all day. Id like that type of tweeter in a better dynamic speaker then the golden ear 5 or 7's.
And in comes emotiva with there T2's for $500 each. Which seem to review very very nice. 3 ultra towers would run me 3k 3 T2's would run me 1500 half the price he'll less expensive then the prime towers in gloss that is. With dual 8 woofers 51/4 midrange and that folded tweeter that seems like a helluva lot of speaker for the money
I plan to go all matching towers for the base 7 and with Emotivas 10% discount I can basically get them all for the same price as the ultra's and flip the prime towers as well. For an even better savings.
For any ultra SVS towers or emotiva T2' owners please help me with some feedback here. Thanks!
P.S I wanted to try the JBL studio 590's but they are a little too big for ceartin spots I'd need to put them in. So I had to rule them out.
I know there's better out there but I want max bang for less buck so just feedback on these selections please. Primarily used for home theater some music have a separate room for music. Thanks again!
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