It could be some sort of coincidence that I was looking to see if I could find some of their good quality 14/4 bulk speaker cable and suddenly I felt like the entirety of their behemoth industry had exploded into nothingness. While there is certainly no love lost for me on this, it was surprising to find their website inactive and a lot of talk online about Noel's declining health and the extreme shrinkage Monster has seen in just the past few years. Down from 800 employees to just 139, and that was at the beginning of 2018, with a failure to report earnings and such so far this year and incredible shakeups in management.
Has anyone actually heard any real news recently about them? Have they closed up shop? Or is their website just 'down' and I'm being a fool on this?
The fact I can pick up 1,000 feet of 14/4 bulk speaker cable for $250 on Amazon while Monoprice's 14/4/1000 is running closer to $400 makes me feel like maybe I need to pick up a couple of rolls before they are gone forever.