@TLS Guy @PENG Thank you, guys. As far as warranty go I'll have to check with the store. Often promotional sales shorten the warranty period.
As far as the VC/cone separation goes, I doubt this is the case (for now). I would expect the sound to be louder in front of the speaker if it was VC/cone separation, but I can't hear anything in front of the speaker. Also, I would expect the sound to be
at least equally heard on all sides of the box; up, down, left, right. And if not that, then at least on the right side as loud as on the left.
On the right side I can't hear a thing. Neither on any of the other including front and back.
This is what drew me towards my assumption that the left lateral side is making some sound and that this is the reason why it can't be heard nowhere else.
Well, not the side in itself, but some part of the set up.
If these additional info gives you another idea, please share.
For now I didn't get around to even open it as I have a lot of work at the moment and don't want to do it under stress or rush. So there's time.
Thank you again!
LATER EDIT: And another thing, not even for test have I ever pushed these beyond 92-93 db, let alone 106 of the factory upper limit. From all I've learned about KEF and this model in particular, no detaching should occur.