Alright, let's see whatcha got, big guy. Don't just bray like an ass. Tell me where he's been wrong.
Braying like an ass? Two words come to mind, and they aren't Happy Halloween, Forsooth.
So I suppose you want to talk policy and not Trump just being stupid, like with his birther campaign or his support of white nationalists. Or perhaps his "locker room talk", screwing porn stars out of wedlock, building a wall on the Mexican border, getting his facts wrong all the time, his incessant and embarrassing tweets, or his ridiculous negotiations with Boeing on Air Force One. Policies it is.
Our trade agreements with the EC and China need an enema, but rather than pick the one target to go after first, and far and away the most important one, China, he goes after our allies at the same time. That's bad strategy, and anyone knows fighting a multi-front war when you don't have to is the wrong strategy. And insulting Canada and making them feel attacked is wrong. Having a war of words with China on trade is also wrong. All it does is harden their counter-position, and threaten Chinese nationalism.
Trump is wrong about advocating the use of coal power and promising coal mining jobs. Coal power generation is not economical, and mining and burning it are ecological disasters.
The tax bill Trump signed is stupid. He should have vetoed it so long as the carried interest loophole remained, but the SALT deduction was strictly limited. Carried interest taxes are a giveaway to the financial top guns, while the SALT deduction limits should have been phased in to prevent economic upheaval. You think he and Congress did it right? Just wait until next April and the economy slows while hundreds of thousands of people who have huge tax bills they didn't count on stop spending on other things, like cars.
Trump is wrong about the ham-fisted way he's negotiating with NATO. I agree with him that the European countries need to better defend themselves and not solely depend on our defense umbrella, but now he's made the NATO countries not trust us, which is the wrong way to go about it. That's wrong for US interests. Doing the right thing the wrong way is still wrong.
He was wrong in his handling of Syria, and has let Russia gain a foothold in the Middle East.
He was wrong about pulling out of the Iran agreement. Taking your football and going home, and shouting threats about it, and without the support of our allies, is the wrong strategy for a superpower. Now Europe is more aligned with Iranian interests to defend their original positions.
Trump sits by and let's the EC levy billions of dollars in stupid fines against US tech companies just as a revenue source. They're even reported on Fox News, so he can know about them. The precedent that is set with those fines is just as bad as what China does, but Trump doesn't like some of the tech executives, who tend to be progressives, so he sits on the sidelines. That's wrong.
I'm not a Christian, but what we're doing to children at the border with Mexico is inconsistent with the Christian philosophy he espouses. I'm ashamed of us, the policies are directly attributable to Trump, and he's wrong.
Trump was wrong about his appointment of Scott Pruitt to run the EPA.
Trump is wrong about nominating someone to head the NOAA who directly competes with the National Weather Service, when the NWS is in the NOAA.
I could go on, but I'm getting bored. Even when I agree with him, like about eliminating the CA Air Resources Board authority, normalizing gasoline blends across the country, and revamping the UN, he just as often wants to do stupid things like allow oil drilling in the Arctic preserves, suppress science on global warming, and totally mishandles the Puerto Rican hurricane disaster, complete with bully pulpit insults.