Could get a handle on my surrounds



Audioholic Spartan
Hey guys upgraded the subs and when blending the subs and having fun ran into a problem. It's with my surrounds. While playing my favorite new reference movie Blade Runner 2049 I ran into an issue. (Man I love that movie) In the scene where the main character goes to Vegas and is walking past the statues to get to the bees there are 3 massive out of nowhere shots of bass. One spaced apart a minute or two each from the other. Anyone that says surround channels don't get content is probably right mostly but not in that scene. Even with them cut off at 80hz When that bass hit I heard a weird rattling sound. Not too crazy but like a buzzing. It was the woofers on my surrounds all 4 of the top ones I've never seen this before so I'm guessing they were overextending? They were creating the rattling sound. Could have been distortion but I suspect they are over extending. I'm shocked and in a sec I'll explain why. These bad boys have never failed on anything before but if they did it once they could do it again. But they are HUGE with 2 6 inch drivers handle 110 watts RMS. And are sealed which I think might be part of the issue sealed design may just be asking too much out of those drivers with that crazy scene. Anyways I have some options to try but thought some helpful input from you guys could help before I start tweaking tonight. Next post I'll send equipment and room info the next one pictures and my ideas if I omit any info you guys need to help with suggestions please let me know thanks for your time!


Audioholic Spartan
Onkyo txnr809 7.2 reciever
3 SVS prime towers for l c and r channels
4 Elan Theater Point THP650ls for surrounds
2 SVS PB 4000's subs
Room distance from fronts 11 ft
from surrounds 8ft
from surround backs 5ft.
All surround speakers elevated on wall had to go about 4 ft above ear level they all tilt towards listener.
Room volume about 8500 cubic feet. Living room setup big open space it's open to everything


Audioholic Spartan
And a pic of the current room setup if you need any more info for suggestions just let me know thanks again for any input!




Audioholic Ninja
What happens when you try 90hz crossover at AVR to the surrounds?


Audioholic Spartan
And here's some ideas I've started. Those surrounds have some cool features they have a bass switch which when turned to off cuts the bass by I think the manual says 20db? I tried that and it works no more rattle but man the bass they were supplying was helping to balance everything out. Because when I cut the bass everything felt a little thin and I noticed crazy detail but a little too bright. They also have a switch that can change the brightness of the speakers so I think I'll play with that as well. I've got some ideas but could use some from you guys as well. It's crazy they can't handle that bass pulse tho I've run them in 2 channel serious listening they sound fantastic with that and they put out some serious bass. An example would be the song The Package from Perfect Circle. That song has a crazy bass line in it and they can hit it better then any other surround or bookshelf speaker I've ever heard. Enough to feel the room I had then vibrating.


Audioholic Spartan
Damn that's a great simple idea I haven't even thought of haven't even thought of moving the crossover to them up slightly I'm getting ready to fire up the system in a bit I'll try that one and let you know what it does.
What happens when you try 90hz crossover at AVR to the surrounds?
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
Alls I know is you need a bigger display bro...
I would go up to 100hz based on that graph. Also.l, there not very sensitive, but my gut says 100hz should fix you up.


Audioholic Jedi
And here's some ideas I've started. Those surrounds have some cool features they have a bass switch which when turned to off cuts the bass by I think the manual says 20db? I tried that and it works no more rattle but man the bass they were supplying was helping to balance everything out. Because when I cut the bass everything felt a little thin and I noticed crazy detail but a little too bright. They also have a switch that can change the brightness of the speakers so I think I'll play with that as well. I've got some ideas but could use some from you guys as well. It's crazy they can't handle that bass pulse tho I've run them in 2 channel serious listening they sound fantastic with that and they put out some serious bass. An example would be the song The Package from Perfect Circle. That song has a crazy bass line in it and they can hit it better then any other surround or bookshelf speaker I've ever heard. Enough to feel the room I had then vibrating.
I'd recalibrate after setting the speakers differently than the original calibration....


Audioholic Spartan
Alls I know is you need a bigger display bro...

I would go up to 100hz based on that graph. Also.l, there not very sensitive, but my gut says 100hz should fix you up.
Man I keep getting crushed d
Alls I know is you need a bigger display bro...
I would go up to 100hz based on that graph. Also.l, there not very sensitive, but my gut says 100hz should fix you up.
Dude I am so getting crushed by everybody on that wimpy tv. Lol :oops:. I just didn't have enough fundages to afford it this year but your right next year it's time to man up on that display!


Audioholic Spartan
I'd recalibrate after setting the speakers differently than the original calibration....
I think I won't or at least hopefully won't need to from what you guys are saying. If the crossovers just need to be tweaked then I should be okay with the speakers original settings I think someone told me with Audyssey you can raise the crossovers up and the filters are still they're just can't go below what it sets otherwise like u said I'll have to run it back! Man I hope not I always obsess on every detail after I recalibrate o_O
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
Man I keep getting crushed d

Dude I am so getting crushed by everybody on that wimpy tv. Lol :oops:. I just didn't have enough fundages to afford it this year but your right next year it's time to man up on that display!
Sorry buddy, just had to rib ya after pulling the trigger on those awesome subs. Black Friday/cyber Monday is right around the corner!!! Lol
How big er, small is that display? ROFL... ok. I’ll quit.


Audioholic Spartan
Alls I know is you need a bigger display bro...
I would go up to 100hz based on that graph. Also.l, there not very sensitive, but my gut says 100hz should fix you up.
There a nice speaker but like my reciever just temporary this journey has just helped me too see I want towers for my surrounds as well. And I plan on doing it too! But man I keep getting crushed on that tv so I might just hafta handle that situation first! :p
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
I think I won't or at least hopefully won't need to from what you guys are saying. If the crossovers just need to be tweaked then I should be okay with the speakers original settings I think someone told me with Audyssey you can raise the crossovers up and the filters are still they're just can't go below what it sets otherwise like u said I'll have to run it back! Man I hope not I always obsess on every detail after I recalibrate
I think I may have mentioned that, and I still say it’s true. If you have an spl meter you may want to double check that though. Just because. You know, aocd.

Edit: If you rerun Audyssey, it will just reset your XO back down anyway.


Audioholic Jedi
I think I won't or at least hopefully won't need to from what you guys are saying. If the crossovers just need to be tweaked then I should be okay with the speakers original settings I think someone told me with Audyssey you can raise the crossovers up and the filters are still they're just can't go below what it sets otherwise like u said I'll have to run it back! Man I hope not I always obsess on every detail after I recalibrate o_O
Since you're altering your speakers' response curves I'd simply recalibrate after changing them. Yes, best to only raise xovers from suggested with Audyssey.


Audioholic Spartan
And the challenger just keeps getting knocked down by the champ! He can barely clear his feet before he is crushed again! Ladies and gentleman it's not looking good for our challenger! This could be the end! :eek:


Audioholic Jedi
And the challenger just keeps getting knocked down by the champ! He can barely clear his feet before he is crushed again! Ladies and gentleman it's not looking good for our challenger! This could be the end! :eek:
LOL just keep in mind it's simply what you want to do or what you prefer in the end.....

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