Hey guys upgraded the subs and when blending the subs and having fun ran into a problem. It's with my surrounds. While playing my favorite new reference movie Blade Runner 2049 I ran into an issue. (Man I love that movie) In the scene where the main character goes to Vegas and is walking past the statues to get to the bees there are 3 massive out of nowhere shots of bass. One spaced apart a minute or two each from the other. Anyone that says surround channels don't get content is probably right mostly but not in that scene. Even with them cut off at 80hz When that bass hit I heard a weird rattling sound. Not too crazy but like a buzzing. It was the woofers on my surrounds all 4 of the top ones I've never seen this before so I'm guessing they were overextending? They were creating the rattling sound. Could have been distortion but I suspect they are over extending. I'm shocked and in a sec I'll explain why. These bad boys have never failed on anything before but if they did it once they could do it again. But they are HUGE with 2 6 inch drivers handle 110 watts RMS. And are sealed which I think might be part of the issue sealed design may just be asking too much out of those drivers with that crazy scene. Anyways I have some options to try but thought some helpful input from you guys could help before I start tweaking tonight. Next post I'll send equipment and room info the next one pictures and my ideas if I omit any info you guys need to help with suggestions please let me know thanks for your time!