So many unknowns, and the seller not wanting to let you hear it before purchase, I would take a hard pass on that.
Instead of wasting anyone's time, before meeting him I said ok if that's the case, it makes me a little uncomfortable, I'll offer $500, not $750. He said sorry, owner wants $700 lowest. I replied once more telling him why I only want to do $500, we will see what happens.
Good luck getting $7 for the inferior model that you won't let anyone hear first. I guess I am back to the drawing board..
Maybe I should get a Pro-Ject Carbon, or just keeps my eyes peeled for a high end table used.
"Selling for a friend who lives in country because it's easier." Well not really, he obviously had a setup at his house, I'd rather drive out there so I can actually hear it, rather than have a middle man and no way of hearing. Also complicates things if something goes south. "Oh, it was my friend's. I don't know what to tell you." Could even be stolen for all I know, doubt it, but possible.