REVISED! help me choose one of these packages...



Junior Audioholic
Help me choose one of these packages, or recommend your own! Thanks! (budget = $1500 or less). I have put the packages in order from least expensive to most expensive AND added S&H to those that apply. Those of you who have experience or know a lot please help me decide!

Going bookshelf route only, no floorstanding. Purpose: primarily home theater. Room size: 8'H x 15'W x 20'D.
Receiver: Pioneer Elite VSX-90.

Bookshelf packages (in order from least expensive to most expensive):
  1. Ascend Acoustics HTM-200 SE (wall mountable) $298/pair + HTM-200 SE Center $158 (+ $40 S&H) + VTF-3 $895 = $1,363 or ($1,075 VTF-2)
  2. Canton GLE 426 $299 + GLE 455.2 (center) $230 (+ $8.99 S&H) + VTF-3 $895 = $1,433.97 or ($1,145.97 VTF-2)
  3. JBL Studio 230 $300 + Studio 235C $250 (free shipping) + VTF-3 $895 = $1,445 or ($1,157 VTF-2)
  4. HTD Level 3 $460 w/stands + Level 3 (center) $209 (+ $35 S&H) +VTF-3 $895 = $1,458 or ($1,243 VTF-2)
  5. Q Acoustics 3020i $300 + Concept Center $310 (free shipping) + VTF-3 $895 = $1,505 or ($1,217 VTF-2)
  6. HSU HB-1 MK2 $320 + HSU HC-1 MK2 $249 (+ $165 S&H) + VTF-2 $895 = $1,559 or ($1,271 VTF-2)
  7. Chane A1.4 $339 + Chane A2.4 $279 (+$49.90 S&H) + VTF-3 $895 = $1,562.90 or ($1,274.90 VTF-2)
  8. RBH R-5E $397.46 + R-515E $288.71 (free shipping) + VTF-3 $895 = $1,581.17 or ($1,293.17 VTF-2)
  9. NHT C1 (wall mounted or stands) $500 + SuperCenter $200 (free shipping) + VTF-3 $895 = $1,595 or ($1,307 VTF-2)
  10. RBH R-515E LCR x 3 $866.13 (free shipping) + VTF-3 $895 = $1,716.13 or ($1,502 VTF-2)
  11. Ascend Acoustics CMT-340 SE w/stands $638 + CMT-340 SE Center $298 ($68 discount +$104 S&H) + VTF-3 $895 = $1,907 or ($1,619 VTF-2)
  • HSU VTF-2 MK5 $539 + $68 S&H = $607 (#1 choice)
  • HSU VTF-3 MK5 $799 + $96 S&H = $895
  • SVS SB-1000 $499 (alternative option)
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Speaker of the House
Staff member
The only ones I have heard from that list are the Hsu and Elac speakers. Both are fine choices. You will want to add a sub to the Elacs if you want powerful bass from film content. None of the towers you listed will have bass like that subwoofer. Also keep in mind many of the listed prices you have there do not include shipping costs, which will add a bit more to the total.

One speaker that you should check out is the RBH Impression Elite series. They are on sale right now. Check out some R-515E or R-5E speakers, very nice discount at the moment. In the piano black, they are gorgeous speakers as well.


Audioholic Jedi
That's a lot of choices. What speakers do you prefer the sound of or have you heard any of these?


Junior Audioholic
The only ones I have heard from that list are the Hsu and Elac speakers. Both are fine choices. You will want to add a sub to the Elacs if you want powerful bass from film content. None of the towers you listed will have bass like that subwoofer. Also keep in mind many of the listed prices you have there do not include shipping costs, which will add a bit more to the total.

One speaker that you should check out is the RBH Impression Elite series. They are on sale right now. Check out some R-515E or R-5E speakers, very nice discount at the moment. In the piano black, they are gorgeous speakers as well.
Those look like some really nice speakers! I like the R-515E and it sounds like if I get a sub that should take care of the low end. Definitely on my list!


Audioholic Ninja
Definitely get a sub. The HSU VTF2 is a great choice. You can read about it in the review here. The bassaholic rating shows the size of room it can handle.


Audioholic Overlord
Help me choose one of these packages, or recommend one of your own (budget = $1500 or less). Thanks!

Floorstanding packages (in order from least expensive to most expensive):
  • Elac Debut F5.2 $600 + Elac Debut C6.2 $280 = $880...possibly could add sub (VTF-2 $539)
  • Canton GLE 490.2 $700/pair + Canton GLE 455.2 $230 = $930...possibly could add sub (VTF-2 $539)
  • HTD Level 3 $799/pair + HTD Level 3 $209 = $1,008
  • Q Acoustics 3050i $800/pair + Q Acoustics Concept $310 = $1,110

Bookshelf packages (in order from least expensive to most expensive):
  1. Ascend Acoustics HTM-200 SE (wall mountable) $298/pair + HTM-200 SE Center $158 + VTF-2 $539 = $995
  2. HSU HB-1 MK2 $320 + HSU HC-1 MK2 $249 + VTF-2 $539 = $1,108
  3. Chane A1.4 $339 + Chane A2.4 $279 + VTF-2 $539 = $1,157
  4. HTD Level 3 $460 w/stands + Level 3 (center) $209 +VTF-2 $539 = $1,208
  5. Canton GLE 426 $450 w/stands + GLE 455.2 (center) $230 + VTF-2 $539 = $1,219
  6. NHT C1 (wall mounted or stands) $500 + SuperCenter $200 + VTF-2 $539 = $1,239
  7. Chane A2.4 $558 + Chane A2.4 $279 + VTF-2 $539 = $1,376
  8. NHT C1 (wall mounted or stands) $500 + MS Center $350 + VTF-2 $539 = $1,389
  9. Ascend Acoustics CMT-340 SE w/stands $638 + CMT-340 SE Center $298 + VTF-2 $539 = $1,475
  10. Q Acoustics Concept 20 w/stands $650 + Concept Center $310 + VTF-2 $539 = 1,499
I have owned both the Ascend 340 SE's across the front AND the Chane A2.4's across the front. Without a doubt that the Chanes were superior in every way. Both are very neutral, but the Ascends always seemed to be a bit too analytical to let go per se whereas the Chanes had more fun. In fact, the A2.4's formed the most cohesive sound from the front (3) of any speakers that I have ever owned. Yes, they are that good. No kidding.

I have also owned several subs from both Hsu and SVS. Of the two, I prefer Hsu. But, I am more of a music guy and NOT HT. Hence, I have owned vented subs and/or sealed subs. Lets just say that I will stick with the sealed renditions for now on.

I find the QA Concept 20's rather interesting. But, I think that the 3020i's have been getting more attention as of late. Would love to order both and compare them directly. Unfortunately, right now I am not able to do so financially. That sure would make for an interesting comparison though. Best wishes!




Junior Audioholic
I have owned both the Ascend 340 SE's across the front AND the Chane A2.4's across the front. Without a doubt that the Chanes were superior in every way. Both are very neutral, but the Ascends always seemed to be a bit too analytical to let go per se whereas the Chanes had more fun. In fact, the A2.4's formed the most cohesive sound from the front (3) of any speakers that I have ever owned. Yes, they are that good. No kidding.

I have also owned several subs from both Hsu and SVS. Of the two, I prefer Hsu. But, I am more of a music guy and NOT HT. Hence, I have owned vented subs and/or sealed subs. Lets just say that I will stick with the sealed renditions for now on.

I find the QA Concept 20's rather interesting. But, I think that the 3020i's have been getting more attention as of late. Would love to order both and compare them directly. Unfortunately, right now I am not able to do so financially. That sure would make for an interesting comparison though. Best wishes!


I’m gonna pick your brain a little more. Someone recommended the RBH R-515E and that looked really intriguing. Any thoughts of that against the A2.4s? Also, since my purpose is home theater, will the HSU be a good fit for that? Thanks!


Audioholic Jedi
Ascends always seemed to be a bit too analytical to let go per se whereas the Chanes had more fun. In fact, the A2.4's formed the most cohesive sound
No offense Phil, but I have no idea what this means. Guess this is one reason I have trouble using others' subjective descriptions. How did the 530s compare to these two?


Audioholic Overlord
I’m gonna pick your brain a little more. Someone recommended the RBH R-515E and that looked really intriguing. Any thoughts of that against the A2.4s? Also, since my purpose is home theater, will the HSU be a good fit for that? Thanks!
I have zero experience w/the RBH speakers. As such, can be of no help there. As far as Hsu subs being used for HT goes I can not recommend them enough. I just prefer a sealed sub myself. I used to own the Hsu ULS 15 MK2 and it worked well for both music and HT in my small room. In fact, there is not much out there going to best the ULS 15 MK2 for the price. The newer Monolith subs may change all of that. But, I am not too concerned with that anyways. However, the Chanes are excellent speakers that are very flat and neutral that sounded very natural to my ears. Hope that helps. Best wishes!


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Audioholic Overlord
No offense Phil, but I have no idea what this means. Guess this is one reason I have trouble using others' subjective descriptions. How did the 530s compare to these two?
Both the 340's and the 2.4's are very neutral. But, the 340's seemed to be a bit too clinical or flat at times whereas the A2.4's just did their thing so to speak. That is the only way I know how to expand on what I have already said. The 530's were more articulate than both and were a bit more extended on the top end. Honestly, if I had to choose between all (3) again then the 530's would get my vote. That is, they are the ones I miss the most.:)


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Junior Audioholic
Both the 340's and the 2.4's are very neutral. But, the 340's seemed to be a bit too clinical or flat at times whereas the A2.4's just did their thing so to speak. That is the only way I know how to expand on what I have already said. The 530's were more articulate than both and were a bit more extended on the top end. Honestly, if I had to choose between all (3) again then the 530's would get my vote. That is, they are the ones I miss the most.:)


530 being which speaker!?


Audioholic Overlord
530 being which speaker!?
They are the JBL 530's. Chris bought both the 530's and the 520c center from me a good while back. That is what he was referring to. It is true, however, that I miss the 530's more so than that of the Chane A2.4' and/or the Ascend 340 SE's. BTW, the 530's have been phased out and are no longer available. Sometimes one can get a used set reasonably priced. But, even so that is becoming more and more rare.




Audioholic Jedi
Both the 340's and the 2.4's are very neutral. But, the 340's seemed to be a bit too clinical or flat at times whereas the A2.4's just did their thing so to speak. That is the only way I know how to expand on what I have already said. The 530's were more articulate than both and were a bit more extended on the top end. Honestly, if I had to choose between all (3) again then the 530's would get my vote. That is, they are the ones I miss the most.:)


Thanks, that's a bit better but for the "did their thing" comment. Probably makes sense to you, but to others that aren't familiar with you/your use of descriptions, not so much. Helps still, altho I have no 340 experience (just Sierra 1s, 170SEs, 200SEs). Plus I wasn't in your room with how you setup your speakers. All those things make it hard sometimes. But you can't have the 530s back, they're going nowhere :)


Junior Audioholic
Thanks, that's a bit better but for the "did their thing" comment. Probably makes sense to you, but to others that aren't familiar with you/your use of descriptions, not so much. Helps still, altho I have no 340 experience (just Sierra 1s, 170SEs, 200SEs). Plus I wasn't in your room with how you setup your speakers. All those things make it hard sometimes. But you can't have the 530s back, they're going nowhere :)
You’ve been happy with the 200SEs I’m guessing?


Audioholic Overlord
That is okay Chris. I don't blame you regarding the 530's. Also, I never said the Ascend 340SE's/170SE's were bad speakers. It is that I preferred the Chanes much more. Maybe the Chanes were a little more forgiving on bad recordings than the Ascends? Who knows. However, the 530's is what I miss the most. Just being honest here. At the end of the day, I long for the BMR's. But, may have to settle for something less expensive. Right now I can't afford anything.:)




Audioholic Jedi
You’ve been happy with the 200SEs I’m guessing?
They're nice speakers, have four of them. Originally got them when I lived in a different house, got them for on wall use in my bedroom and ended up in living room as LCR set instead mounted on ball mounts up at wall/ceiling point in a big room and that was a bit too much for them, were limited with the large space at higher volume, and soon after found a used set of Sierra1s on stands that I used instead which handled the big room better. Moved the 200SEs to surrounds and added a fourth for rear surrounds. Then used the 170SEs as surrounds instead. I now use the Sierra1s and 170SEs in a 5ch setup in my bedroom, having gone to the JBLs (590s, 520C, 580s and 530s). The 200SEs are still being used as surrounds in my workshop now.

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