I guess it's time to admit to you fellows (very embarrassed - with egg on my face) that I've never heard a Klipsch speaker. My loudspeaker Chronology is:
1. Bose 901s: long ago - before most of you were born. I never really liked their sound. They did fill the end of the room with sound but it was just sound but with no imaging or a real soundstage. But they cost a lot, for me at the time, and I kept them for several years.
2. Acoustic Research AR-9s: Those I loved and kept from 1982 until 2010. They were the flagship of AR products, back when AR was a force in the industry.They were huge 4-ways, at 5' tall and around 110#, with prodigious bass from 2 side-firing bass drivers that thrived on the power of my old used Adcom GFA-500 amp. I lived with, and loved, those monsters for nearly thirty years. In fact, when the new owner drove away with them in the back of a big SUV I thought, "What are you doing? Are you nuts?"
3. Ascend Sierras Ones: A very nice bookcase speaker but they never had a chance - their great neutral sound lacked what those AR9s had.
Warmth! Yep - I know - those AR9s added a decided warmth to jazz and classical recordings that the Sierras lacked. In other words, I found I didn't like their accuracy (neutrality).
4. Martin Logan Motion 12s: In 2013 I sold the Ascends and bought the ML 12s for an astounding price of $400. More; I took them home, spent days breaking them in (still don't believe in break-in period),spent a couple days inching them into their perfect spot and was thrilled with their sound. In fact, today, I can find no
reasonable explanation for wanting to try the Klipsch speakers.
Except: For years the legend that is Paul Klipsch and his speakers have intrigued me (and, of course, I now reside in his home state). The fingernails on the blackboard highs always kept me away (remember; I like warm speakers) but today that seems to have been eliminated. And last, the idea of an 8-ohm horn system, effortlessly playing Dvorak's 9th at concert hall levels is pulling me in the direction of Klipsch.
Could Klipsch remind me of my beloved AR9s? Probably not. Still, since I'm an admitted cheapskate and also can't afford anything over $1k, I've ordered a pair of RP-150Ms, just to get a taste of Klipsch. If I like them it's done - game over but if I find them a bit lacking in dynamics (?) I'll swallow my miserly ways and spring for the new RP-280s (those new copper rings around the drivers are sexy).
Anyway; if you've read this "essay" I admire your stamina and hope you can offer an alternative path.
Thanks to all!