In my post above, I was referring to Everest label recordings. If you have a chance to see the Villa-Lobos, Antill & Ginastera three-track SACD, grab one and you will definitely enjoy its dynamic impact, I can assure you. That is a discontinued disc, but some show up on eBay but you won't get it at a cheap price. At present, there is one seller asking like $80 for it. Eventually, I think you should find one at a more reasonable price.
The other one that is an excellent value is another discontinued disc, an Everest DVD-A 3-track recording of Berlioz Symphonie fantastique. It comes with a CD disc as well. These discs have an acoustic presence and amazing dynamics. Another gem to have.
The Mercury Living Presence 3-track stereo SACDs are also awesome. I have several of them. Now, they're discontinued also. The SACD market never boomed. IMO, the record companies which made SACDs should have abandoned the CD format and released only hybrid SACDs, but to enjoy this format to it's full potential, you needed a five channel surround system.