Interesting product...
However once again Emotiva
fails to provide adequate specification disclosure..
1. NO spec for input sensitivity
Very pertinent when matching up to various preamps/controllers
2. Specs disclose power bandwidth of 20Hz-20kHz
Emotiva needs to provide full power output disclosure, @ what power output, load impedance, THD is the power bandwidth spec applicable
3. Emotiva operation manual states to avoid
common ground systems.. Does this mean the ICE module is actually stereo but operating in a BTL(bridged mode) delivering a mono output? If in fact... the output is
bridged, then there could be some performance tradeoffs especially when driving low impedance loads..
ICE makes a nice module, good quality and sonics but here Emotiva is lacking in providing full specifications. This could be great product for building HT & audio systems but more specification disclosures are required.
Just my $0.02...