Your mom was right. Your mom was always right. No fade on Stairway to Heaven.
Your comment about listening to an 8 Track tape as some sort of original made me laugh out loud.
8 Tracks IMHO were one of the worst sounding mediums we had to endure. They were cool in that they had the ability to jump tracks and get to a song much quicker than a cassette tape. But, not stellar for sound quality.
If you're making a movie and you need to set the time period, for the late 1960's or early 1970s, putting the 8 track in a car of the time would do the trick. They were pretty dang popular.
I don't much care if I call LP's records, albums, platters or vinyl. Vinyl is some sort of new fangled way to refer to them. I don't love the term, but I don't hate it either. To me if somebody says they liked a record, for me, the first thing I still think of is the old plastic LP. Even though I'm thoroughly in the electronic media/ripped CD camp. I do like to spin a record on the TT every now and again. Just for old times sake.. And my kids give me LP's for gifts.
They think I love them and somehow LP's are "better". We know the scoop there.