Let me give you a quick background on Philharmonic Audio. It is Dennis Murphy's speaker making venture.
Dennis is retired.
Dennis first became a "name" in audio forum with his "Murphyblaster" DIY speaker website:
His kits started to gain favor as among the best DIY options available in the DIY speaker circles.
Somewhere along the way, Jim Salk hired him to assist in designing Salk speakers. At this point, I think it is correct to say Dennis is behind the crossover design of every speaker Salk sells (which goes up to $16,000/pr):
Of course anyone can advertise a speaker at a very high price, but the Salk's are reputed to be among the best bargains for their pricepoints.
More recently, Dennis decided he liked the idea of designing and building speakers to share high quality sound with people who otherwise might not readily afford it (or save money for those who can). Since Dennis is retired and has a good pension, he is not trying to make a career or grow a business empire the way an entrepreneur might. The last time I checked, he was paying himself less than minimum wage for the time he devotes to getting speakers out the door. He has often been a "one man show", but has also contracted the building of cabinets to others (including Salk if you wanted to pay for an exceptional furniture grade and suffer the lead time, which is usually more than 2 months). However, he likes it best when he can use one of the Parts Express cabinets which are sturdy and attractive at a great price. Lately, he is looking at contracting some cabinets directly from China.
Getting back to my point, this is a guy who is enjoying his retirement playing violin/viola in orchestral groups and designing, building, and selling speakers. Between you and me, I think he is crazy, but don't tell him; we don't want him getting any the wiser!
Compared to a typical speaker manufacturer, he has cut so much of the cost out of his speakers (advertising, payroll, warehousing, and profit) that it is only the deep discounts that get traditional speaker close to his level of value, IMHO.