Get back part of which industry, John? Consumer electronics? With the exception of smartphones there just isn't a lot of money in it, so US companies tend to shy away. And I think it's even a worthwhile argument that there isn't much in the way of profits in smartphones for anyone except Apple.
(I know this is off topic, so this is my last response)
Well, I do agree with you from a financial & political standpoint RIGHT NOW things are against middle Americans, but the loss occurred way before the recent times. The damage has been gradual -- for example, the loss of telephone production happened in the 1980's and went to Shrieveport LA, then of course, disappeared entirely to China and elsewhere. There were LOTS of middle income jobs disappearing towards underpaid, underunioned (which I do not ascribe to -- except for those who really need them), and environmentally destructive places. There has to be a place for the middle income people, and the real cost of American labor is really not all that different (all things equal) when compared with other costs nowadays. It is the small marginal difference that pushes industry away. political/tariff pressure in the other countries, -- and the almost nonexistent environmental controls. This bleeding has been happening -- and just a small bias back towards the middle will help to bring
some GOOD employment back to our middle income people. (I am not speaking for my own advantage, since I have either been at the very top of middle income, or at the lower end of high income for most of my working life. At some times, I have even been at the middle of high income...) I worry about the future fabric of the US.