3808 was 2008. 3807 was 2007. Last number indicated the year of release for quite a while.
If you are trying to run audio files off your computer, and push them to the Denon through a wired connection, like an optical audio output to the Denon from your PC, then you really are using your PC as a media server. So, you really want to look into a audio application on your computer that offers control from an iOS/Android device.
Kodi, for example, offers both Android and iOS remotes. So, you can use your tablet to run the show but use the PC to pipe the content to your Denon.
That was the first I thought of and I expect there may be much better options out there, especially if you are looking for music specific solutions. There may also be more music friendly stand alone audio servers that are designed more around tablet/phone control vs. needing a PC.
You are setting your computer up as a home theater PC, and there are a ton of forums specifically dedicated to HTPC use which you really want to take a look at as you will get a lot of first hand experience from different HTPC users doing exactly what you want.
At some point there was a really nice music server integration piece listed and discussed in these forums, but I didn't bookmark the page, so that's an option as well.
But, if you want to stick with your PC and looking for tablet control, then it needs to be the right software running on your PC to allow it and designed for it. It really depends on what your end goal really is.
EDIT: I am pretty sure this was the music specific stand alone player I was thinking of...