Wow! A mere 3 days after I ordered my UDP-205, the internet dealer that I bought from became aware of the product shortage and took advantage of it, increasing the price of a (region-free) unit from $1499 to $2600. I was quite lucky to buy my unit at the lower price. It's in route and will be here April 9th. I ordered exactly one day after Oppo Digital announced its impending demise. the UDP-205 will be a great spare player. After I verify that the UDP-205 works, it will go back into its carton to be held for a "rainy day". I don't own a 4k Television. (I'm quite happy with my 1080p Panasonic Plasma T.V.) As for my BDP-105, its features, and audio & video quality are great too, and serve all of my present needs. I've also sent my broken down BDP-83 to Oppo for repair.
As for those of you who wonder why Oppo's newest generation of players don't support HDCD, it was a chip maker's decision in which Oppo had no say.
My "Man Cave" has now become a "Physical Product" "Bomb Shelter" equiped to play all my digital discs (CD,DVD-Video,DVD-Audio, SACD, Blu-ray-Audio, Blu-ray video & Video CD) for the remaining years of my life and (potentially) my heir. And I'm equiped for vinyl,DAT, Minidisc,VHS, S-VHS and Laserdisc too.
As for my future purchases of music "Physical Product", I'm mostly interested in Classic Rock" archival product from the 1964-1984 period. I'm confident that that the music industry will supply the remaining materials that I'm seeking.