Just make your own its not difficult. We seem to have entered an age where people can do nothing for themselves and are next to useless.
I should expand a bit on what I said yesterday. I assume you want to switch more power than can be handled by one circuit, which would be the only reason for multiple inputs.
I had this problem. However if that is your problem do not use switches to switch the AC. If you do you will buy lots of switches. My system requires 14 powerful power amp channels.
So I have switches switch 20 volt industrial relays to switch the amps on and off, so I can use only the amps I want. The power circuits have breakers in the studio sub panel.
The unit I built is fifth down from the top.
The form left to right switch 1 switches on the six power amp channels for the left and right mains. Switch 2 switches on the two power amp channels for the center speaker. Switch 3 switches to the two power amp channels for the surrounds. Switch 4 switches the four power amp channels for the two surround backs.
The knobs from left to right. 1 controls the BSC to the main speaker, 2 controls the BSC to the center speaker. Knob 3 switches between pre/pro bass management and totally external bass management. knob six is no longer used, it used to be a quick control of center channel level, but I found I never used it and so took it out of circuit.
Here is a picture of the power amp area, you can see the relays up top with the conduit going down from them to the power amp power outlets.
It is all very simple engineering and takes a little work, but not difficult.