Just for fun, I decided to peruse the Electronics section on my local Craigslist classifieds. Right off the bat, I see these: "Martin Taylor Acoustics" https://billings.craigslist.org/ele/d/brand-new-martin-taylor/6437121752.html "Harmon Imaging Systems" https://billings.craigslist.org/ele/d/surroundsound-system/6465165374.html "Ashton & Ross" https://billings.craigslist.org/ele/d/ashton-ross-home-theatre/6407388228.html Another "Harmon" projector: https://billings.craigslist.org/ele/d/4k-video-projector/6440148391.html or how about this sweet projector that the guy always seems to have accidentally bought two of? https://billings.craigslist.org/ele/d/brand-new-720p-native/6467862888.html I like how the no-name box's only description on the front says "more suitable for home theater." The description on the side says "Every moment. Projection our scenes of life. Convey your beautiful memories. Whether you are young or getting old" and "Vivid colors. Perfect brightness." That's it. Doesn't get much more Chinese knock-off than that. Haha. How are these white van special brands still a thing???!!!! I am shocked that the legitimate Harmon/Martin/et al companies haven't sued these outfits into oblivion. These listings always make me laugh. Still kind of sad at the same time, though.