I quoted this from another thread but I don't mean this as a point of condescension or disqualification because I agree with a lot of what you say with regard to audio, simply because science is on your side and I can accept that for what it is.
But, I come across this a lot on the internet and it begs this question whenever I read the 'safe' and measured take with regard to "accuracy." Such as: "I wonder how many AC/DC, Ted Nugent, Boston, Judas Priest, Def Leppard, Ozzy(with Randy Rhoads), Zeppelin, Pat Benatar, Pink Floyd etc. concerts this person has been to- Have they ever heard Stevie Ray Vaughn live?" Or, "How much live music did they grow up with in how many different environments?"
The reason I ask this is, with regard to the new audiophile trends, something has been washed from the craft. Such as, the live references we all used to choose and tune our equipment to, in which to emulate a certain presence or ambience with regard to powerful music. These days, when someone tells me their speakers do it all well, and then I listen to it, I ask the questions again.
And I don't care how much this disqualifies my audiophilism, if I was ever qualified in the first place, to what amounts to a pretty narrow and sterile spectrum these days, much of which is also hiding behind some 'skirt' known as. . . .WAF! As-ef'n-if!
I figured it out back then, and I am figuring it out again now. But for real analog 'power' music, it takes a beast of a speaker in all but a near field arrangement. I don't care how powerful a 6-8" woofer is or how many computer sims it has had applied to it but nothing replaces displacement and this is not just true for subwoofers. For the real hard rock/pop feel, it takes no less than a (and I am just squeezing that in)12" woofer and preferably a 15" and not a subwoofer bump'n around from 80hz and below. A 15" woofer that handles the bass as well as the lower mids, rolling off to a potent midrange and a capable tweeter. A speaker that even has the presence of heft at lower volumes.
I've tried enough of the newer trends in which to weigh against the past. A lot of which I actually happen to like for certain things, but when I want to rock out, I know where to look. And it certainly isn't going to explode forth from some needle-ass box that barely squeezes under <eye roll> SWMBO's (She Who Must Be Obeyed) snooty little radar.
So, with that said, by all means keep to the science, but don't discount a bunch of other tried and true methods either.
Also, don't totally rely on the word of those who are walking on eggshells around some "WAF" as part of their audio workaround with regard to powerful music beyond face value. Audio (the science, or otherwise) development with regard to true sound reproduction, should not have this as a limitation. This is just so the marketers can sell gear to the henpecked faction too. Apparently there is a lot of this going on. I can now see where they would have to cover that base. Still freaks me out to see it mentioned as much as I do. Which amounts to, in my experience, the neutering of audio.