I watched the first 2 episodes. It's pretty good eye candy, and it easily held my attention. Not sure how I feel...
... about Sarek adopting and raising the purebred Terran as a Vulcan. Supposedly the series takes place 10 years prior to Kirk becoming captain of the Enterprise, so Michael must've been raised alongside Spock. So where's Spock in Michael's flashbacks to childhood? Nowhere yet...
... but it seems like this story line is cheaply name dropping at the expense of canon. I guess we'll see. Also, why are the Klingons pigmented like chess pieces now?
Something I do enjoy, though, is that we get to see relationships develop on the Klingon side of the story. My favorite episodes of ST:TNG were the Klingon episodes, where Worf was all Illuminati in determining the course of his home world with an unwavering moral code, but also with surprising empathy and wisdom. I hope Discovery follows a similar recipe.
Ultimately, so far this feels less like the recent reboot Kirk laserfest action movies and more a return to character studies, complex story lines, and classic Westerns-style drama. But with updated eye candy worthy of modern CG rendering.
You guys subscribing to VPN service, try connecting to an endpoint in Mexico, then logging into Netflix. Star Trek: Discovery is not blocked there.