I've seen mentioned several times around the forums that older content is improved on Atmos AVRs. How does this work? And does it work by default? I expect things to be straight forward with a newer movie like Mad Max, but is something special going to be required to fully enjoy The Matrix, Gladiator, and LOTR?
Example: One of my me and my wife's favorite flicks is Star Trek (the 2009 release) which was pre-Atmos. It sounds lovely on a nice 5.1 setup. Based on what I've read, I expect it to sound even better once I get my full 5.1.4 setup completed (waiting on remodel to be completed right now). I use a PS4 (for now) for BD playback. From what I've read, I'll need to set up the PS4 for bitstream pass through to take full advantage of Atmos content. So what will happen with Star Trek? Will my X4300H know what to do with the bitstream, or is there some setting that I need to engage to make it attempt object based audio from the old track?
Maybe this will all become obvious once I'm able to set up my AVR and play around. I'm just anxious to know and understand what I'm dealing with. Also, if anyone has any insights into how exactly the decoder makes non-Atmos content into kinda-Atmos content, I'm curious about that as well. Perhaps someone knows a good article for me to read. Thanks!