vintage Large Advent + Small Advent pairing



I've read that stacking 4 Large Advent speakers (vintage original "The Advent Loudspeaker") in pairs tweeter to tweeter results in an awesome set up for music. I've also read the Smaller Advent Loudspeaker sounds very similar to the larger version. My questions is, would stacking the Smaller Advent on top of the Large Advent (tweeter to tweeter) still work well? Does anyone here have experience with either of these speakers, or hopefully both?

The reason for my question is I'm looking for a set of sub-$200 vintage speakers, mainly for music listening, and there are two different sellers very close to me, one selling the large Advents ($75), and one selling the small Advents ($80). Both sets look to be original, but I have yet to go listen to either.

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Audioholic Spartan
Doesn't seem like a good idea to me but hey...


Audioholic Jedi
Even when I had my Original Advents didnt think much about this, I wouldn't bother....


Audioholic Spartan
One nice/decent set of speakers with good placement in a room, is all you need for some good imaging and soundstage presentation.


Audioholic Samurai

Advent made a lot of different small speakers over the years, so I can’t anything on what you’re calling a “Smaller Advent.”

Bottom line, it’s not a good idea with speakers that don’t have identical tweeters, and / or have offset tweeters.

Wayne A. Pflughaupt

Dennis Murphy

Audioholic General
I've read that stacking 4 Large Advent speakers (vintage original "The Advent Loudspeaker") in pairs tweeter to tweeter results in an awesome set up for music. I've also read the Smaller Advent Loudspeaker sounds very similar to the larger version. My questions is, would stacking the Smaller Advent on top of the Large Advent (tweeter to tweeter) still work well? Does anyone here have experience with either of these speakers, or hopefully both?

The reason for my question is I'm looking for a set of sub-$200 vintage speakers, mainly for music listening, and there are two different sellers very close to me, one selling the large Advents ($75), and one selling the small Advents ($80). Both sets look to be original, but I have yet to go listen to either.

That was a myth started by The Absolute Sound waaay back in the day. I remember when Advent used to send factory reps around to demo the Large Advents against some competitors, and part of the presentation was comparing the "double Advent" configuration with a single pair. No one heard any difference (we might have heard a slight degradation if the Advents had been more transparent), and that was what the rep thought as well. Advent passed up an opportunity to sell twice as many speakers in the name of a little honesty.


Audioholic Warlord
That was a myth started by The Absolute Sound waaay back in the day…
Interesting. Another falsehood that traveled much faster than the truth. I always suspected the claim that stacked Advents (or any other speaker) sounded better, buy I never knew about TAS's involvement, or Advent's honesty.

It would be fun to tally up a score sheet for audio manufacturers or magazines. The number of time audio myths were perpetrated vs. the number of time times they were honest.


Interesting. The claim did seem a little odd, but I know next to nothing about speakers so I had nothing to base that on. Both sets turned out to be more beat up than I thought anyway. Thanks for the info!


The double Advent setup was awesome . You can use the Small Advent on top and , of course , upside down . If I remember correctly the small advent is a 4 ohm design and the large is a 8 ohm design . So you will probably need an amp capable of driving into 4 ohms at minimum . There are a few reviews online that contradict the information given here by non-owners , look them up . I ran them for almost 10 years with a Heathkit AA1640 amp , 200 wpc into 8 and 400 wpc into 4 ohms . When a pair of nice ADS towers became available I sold them . BTW ...wire them in parallel for best performance if your amp is adequate .
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Audioholic Jedi
The double Advent setup was awesome . You can use the Small Advent on top and , of course , upside down . If I remember correctly the small advent is a 4 ohm design and the large is a 8 ohm design . So you will probably need an amp capable of driving into 6 ohms at minimum . There are a few reviews online that contradict the information given here by non-owners , look them up . I ran them for almost 10 years with a Heathkit AA1640 amp , 200 wpc into 8 and 400 wpc into 4 ohms . When a pair of nice ADS towers became available I sold them . BTW ...wire them in parallel for best performance if your amp is adequate .
Between this and your other posts I think I'm comfortable with putting you on the "ignore" list....


If you read the reviews and talk to people that have actually owned them you will find that my above post is correct. Except I had a brain fart on the 6 ohm load part , it will be less than 4 .
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If you read the reviews and talk to people that have actually owned them you will find that my above post is correct. Except I had a brain fart on the 6 ohm load part , it will be less than 4 .
Thanks for the additional info. Both sets of speakers sold shortly after I asked the question and they looked a little rough anyway. I'm still on the lookout for other vintage speakers though.

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