Cambridge Audio Minx vs. Definitive Technology Studio Monitors



Audioholic Field Marshall
Currently using 4 Cambridge Audio Minx Min 10's as side and rear surrounds. I have a pair of DefTech Studio Monitor 45's, and a pair of SM 55's. Thinking of using those in place of the Cambridges. Any benefit?


Audioholic Samurai
Currently using 4 Cambridge Audio Minx Min 10's as side and rear surrounds. I have a pair of DefTech Studio Monitor 45's, and a pair of SM 55's. Thinking of using those in place of the Cambridges. Any benefit?
Well I have never heard the Cambridge audio speakers you are talking about but I do have an all Def Tech Studio monitor 5 channel system. SM 65 LCR and SM 55 surrounds. They are quite impressive speakers to say the least. Extremely accurate is the word that comes to mind first. Very dynamic is the other. For home theater extremely impressive, and they are studio monitors so that do music very well. Like most speakers they sound better when given more gas, more power. They are not power hungry but they really open up nicely when pushed a bit.

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Audioholic Spartan
Compared to the little cubes -- the SM45 will be a nice clear step up

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