Mike V
Listening to things yourself is always a good practice. Its extremely difficult to get a good, neutral listening experience that's not biased by the sales guy or the facility itself. But, its still a great buyer-beware exercize.
I did not include any mention of the equipment I have because none of my stuff fits your budget. I also didn't put in pictures of my room because my room is pretty unique: its a near field listening experience. The whole enchilada is designed around a single listening chair. (its a really nice chair).
My mains (I live and breath 2 channel stereo in this room) are
Salk Songtowers. The AH member
@Swerd introduced me to them soon after I joined AH. I auditioned a pair owned by a Salk owner here in the Phoenix area and I was convinced I had found nirvana.
@2channel lover recently ordered a pair and is awaiting delivery. Salk speakers are made to order. They don't sell off the shelf and they don't sell in stores. Its 100% referrals and they make everything to your specific request. They also get enthusiastic reviews by
The Absolute Sound and other publications. There are reviews on the AH I believe too.
I am an unabashed Salk fan-boy after taking delivery and listening to them. Therefore I am wholeheartedly biased. Since they are over your entire budget, I don't want to start off on a bad note with you.
I also put in a new Denon x4200w AVR to power them. That's also over your budget but there are plenty of Denon's and Marantz' and Yamaha that should fit neatly inside and do a great job.
My media server is what provides the tunes. You mentioned having a large vinyl collection so I didn't bring up the media server either as it runs counter to the vinyl direction. One thing that any new music user can do to immediately upgrade the quality of what they hear is to go to a digital format and provide an end to end digital stream that's top notch in quality. I'm not against vinyl, I own a turntable and a small collection of platters. But for sound quality, the average music person will be miles ahead going all digital. There are users like
@TLS Guy that have pristine vinyl collections and drop dead great turntables. Those are the exceptions but definitely achievable if you decide on vinyl as the source.
The source (vinyl or digital) isn't nearly as important as the recordings themselves. Sub par recordings will sound even worse on a revealing and well put together system. Instead of hiding flaws, a great system will expose them. So the real trick is to lay your hands on great recordings of music you like and everything gets better instead of worse. Great recordings sound great no matter the medium.
I've written too much already. I can send pictures and all that if you still are interested. I definitely have a minimalist setup in a 2 channel room dedicated for audio. Its just not mainstream.