On "fatiguing." I hear this a lot in reviews these days and I understand what that description means and have experienced it to a lesser extent. The only traits a speaker can have that would be fatiguing to me is, distortion, and overly bright tweeters, the latter of which, I can usually manually EQ favorably.
The only other times I can be fatigued in listening is if I have perhaps chosen the wrong music for long listening sessions, and that does happen sometimes, or when I subject myself to too many repeats with the classics, especially considering what mainstream media has done to popular music over the years. Other times is when I played music and I really didn't feel like listening at all as much as I thought I did.
Since October of 2016, with 3 (and now 4) totally different pairs of speakers, I have not had this issue, all of which have pretty much stayed on all night from the time I get home from work until bed time when I have them in place.
My biggest issue now is, which pair do I feel like listening to tonight?