My preference is technics, I have a sl-b20. it's a cheap simple p mount. My dad was the original owner so there is some of that playing into me being partial on technics. The big reason I prefer technics (I've heard a ton of them) is that technics in general is a solid table across the board. They have tables for all markets and do a great job. I havent listened to many that i just didnt like. My table does have rca out jacks, not a soldered on rca cable, i prefer that design. I have heard great Pioneer, Sanyo, sansui, teac, Kenwood but have heard more bad than good. So on a safe bet I'd go with technics.
You asked before and I never answered, I'd love to have a rega, but at the $2k price point it's hard to justify lol. In MY opinion, anything under $1k is going to play back relatively the same. That's another downside of vinyl, it gets costly, confusing, and a royal pain. The hobby takes on aftermarket headshells, tonearms, platters, mats, cartridge and styli for all types of music (the link I posted, different cuts for different sound). Keeping things clean is a royal pain, dust and residue on vinyl, even brand new records can be dirty enough to clog up a nice styli.
None of that is being said to deter you from moving forwards and enjoying records, just key points to read up on. It's also why I still use my cheap entry level table and play my records sparingly.