I wish I had my own island. Dang. Lifestyles of the rich n famous indeed.
The concept of "hi-fi" I can identify with both from a wordsmithing point of view and a concept.
From just a choice of language and the triggers certain words kick up, hi fi, fits my own self image much more accurately than audiophile. Audiophile, no matter how accurately defined, just sounds pretentious to me. Because of my interest in audio as a hobby, I may indeed be a text book audiophile. But it you ask me, I will probably never use that word. But, hi-fi will probably come up in conversation.
My parents called their collection of audio separates "a hi-fi" back in the day before we had a term for everything. They had a standalone turntable, reciever and speakers and of course they either listened to the radio or spun records. They didn't collect the gear because gear was collectible: they did it to listen to music. If you remember back far enough, the idea of having a local neighborhood record store and the ability to buy your own music and play it at the house was a pretty novel thing. It didn't always exist.
Like many other hobbies, ours has morphed. Some segments do indeed value their machines and boxes more than the music. The music is just a means to and end for them. I'm at the other end of the spectrum. For me, the music is the point of the whole hobby and buying equipment just helps me get there.
Thankfully, there's room in the hobby for everyone. There are even folks who enjoy the title "audiophile".
Not many have their own islands however.