Congrats on your purchase! Exciting time I'm sure.
I just ran 3 wires (two surround speakers and a sub RCA cable) from basically a ft off the floor up to the ceiling and into the attic. I had to run each one separately, Getting a hole cut large enough thru the dbl 2x4 top plate framing in the attic was easy. Feeding the wire down an insulated wall and pulling it through the opening was not. Granted I don't do this every day, but it took 2+ hours! If you are coming thru an interior wall with no's a 30 min job.
Concealer...that looks clean, almost like a small crown wife has OCD and major problems with wires on the walls, but I think even she could handle that.
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Couldn't get the pic upright but you get the idea....this wire goes up a 9' wall, across the ceiling about 16' and down the TV wall.
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