Thanks for this input Pogre, it strikes a chord with me as I was super impressed by the PC12-Plus that was setup in an enclosed A/V room at Electronics Expo. Unfortunately that is out of my range, though they offered to sell it to me for $1025. The PB 2000 was also quite good once we got it playing, but I feel like I may want more.
I spoke with both Joe and Dr. Hsu. Joe thinks the speedwoofer 10 might not be right for me since I'm also looking for deep bass extension. Dr. Hsu has recommended the vtf3.5 crossed over at 50 hz with the supercube functioning as a mid bass module above 50 hz. An interesting option for sure. And since that was where you ended up going (minus the sc4000 as a mid bass module), it definitely has me intrigued. How large is your listening area Pogre?
Either way it seems like I need to save up a bit more before making an upgrade to something that I will more likely be happy with.