Need technical advice on how to set up my new Denon AVRX4200W with my Mordaunt Short 5.1 speakers.
The sub is powered as well as the subs/woofers on the mains. The mains and rear surrounds can be bi-wired. The mains are 502 THX Declaration speakers with matching series rears and center.
I tried hooking it up but it didn't sound good at all, like the woofers/sub were not firing.
* NOTE: My equipment is in storage, as I sold my house, and in an apartment until I find a new house, so I do not have the ability to test and tune. I just want to get advise from those that have experience with this receiver and powered speakers, plus bi-wiring.
I like having all the configuration choices on the AVR, but with the choices on the speakers as well, I figured I better get some advice ahead of time, rather than messing with it for a long time once I set it up again.
Any advice appreciated.
Some specific questions I can think of off hand:
1. Should I daisy chain the powered mains subs/woofers line-level with the main sub from the sub output, or just run the mains separately from speaker level?
2. Should I bi-wire the mains since the main subs are powered?
3. Is it worth it to bi-wire the rear surrounds, and should/can I assign the extra AVR amps to the rears if I don't assign them to the fronts?
4. I think you are supposed to run an RCA for the sub using the left sub output of the AVR, or does it not matter if only using 1 sub?