All speakers, and everything you drop a nickel on has marketing hype. Just look at the trendy language associated with everything we do these days. It gets people to basically throw away, perfectly good speakers with at least another 10-20 years of use left in them.
Possibly 99% of this hobby is not audiophilia, it's spendophilia. Comparatively, my uncle owned and maintained the same tube gear and speakers for over 50 years. When he passed, they discovered he had enough spare, NOS parts, to keep them going for another 50. When his audio supplier caved to the big box stores, the owner 'gave' my uncle all the parts stock he was interested in instead of sending it off to the auctioning block.
Whenever I look at speakers, I look at how serviceable they are for the long term. I have not followed JBL in recent years, but if they are still involved on the service end as they once were, at least on their higher end gear, I'd just end up going with them.
ETA: I guess JBL is now owned by Harman? Ok, that's not the same JBL I grew up with.