Late to the game, but I have owned Paradigm Studio 20, Signature S-1, and Signature S-2 (and also auditioned their Monitor Series).
Based on that experience.
1. Nice speakers (generally well-designed and unlikely to have any significant flaws within their price point)!
2. Good build quality and looks!
Depends on you:
1. Slightly tipped up treble. Nothing extreme (it is well done), but not totally neutral either. Plenty of people like this sound and would describe hem as having good presence while detractors would consider them bright!
1. Over-priced by almost 2X
I would only buy if I found a good deal on used Paradigms.
Once you decide on a speaker, we can comment on amplification to match with it. Generally, this is not a major concern as most competent amps are designed to drive the vast majority of speakers. However, there are some speakers that will require special capability from an amplifier. Too many people think they should spend $1000 on amplification to go with $1500 speakers when they would be much better off spending 6-700 on the amp and $18-1900 on the speakers. Within typical situations, speakers are a much, much bigger factor to determine the sound quality.
If you want floor standers and can swing the Slims or their replacement from Philharmonic Audio, Dennis (designer for Philharmonic Audio) offers a lot of bang for the buck! I think it is safe to say that no other speaker in the same price range can compete with any of the Philharmonic models.
But it sounds like your budget may have changed. If so let us know and we'll give you suggestions - ideally limiting the field to only good options for you to choose among.