Setting up DB tets of power amps is not easy. The only one I have done that with is Quad and Perreaux some years ago, with B & W speakers and also Thors. There was a definite preference for Quad especially driving the Thors which are more revealing.
I really am suspicious of receivers and Far Eastern Amp designs in general. They are far too complex with huge component counts in the power supplies and amps, as well as having a lot of internal adjustments. To me they sound woolly in the bass and not smooth in the HF with poor string sound.
I have just stayed with my brother in the UK for the second time in six months. He has NHT VT 2.4s.
He is driving then from a Yamaha receiver. I heard these some years ago at the friends house he bought them from. He was powering them form a solid amp, that I don't recall. I do remember I was impressed with them and the bass was pretty punchy. From the receiver they sound mediocre to poor. The bass is flabby and speech is not crisp.
I have a Denon at Eagan driving a pair of my JW full rangers that I know well. They are a nice speaker. I have listened to them quite a bit lately, but I seem to get listening fatigue. The top end I think is not a smooth as it should be. I will have to bring a Quad set up down and compare.
I'm pretty sure that in terms of the power amp sections of receivers, and probably a lot of amps, the sound is not top notch.
I have always enjoyed my Quad amps. They never seem to put a foot wrong, and above all are very reliable due to no internal adjustments and very low part count.
One thing I do suspect is that a lot of receivers and amps may start out OK, but diverge from new performance over time.
Peter Walker was obsessed in his designs, with not only good sound, but reliability and the ability of the design to not downgrade as the components aged. In other words, he made sure his designs were tolerant of components have a pretty wide spec range without affecting performance.
So yes, I believe that there a lot of differences between power amps. I have a suspicion that receivers in terms of their power amps, do not deliver state of the art performance. I have strong preference for separates. I also am a strong advocate of Quad amplifiers, due to superb sound which is maintained over time and high reliability over time. I have had a little over 60 years experience with Quad electronics. I admit it could be I'm used to their sound, but I doubt it. In addition I use speakers of my design exclusively and so there is the possibility that my designs optimally match Quad electronics. However I hate trouble, and the Quads are less prone to bring it to my door step than other stables. In my book they are well worth the cost.