Sound is everything - it's that simple.
Don't tell me about how you like a measuring device , your ears are the ultimate decider.
You're in a Best Buy sound room it's 100xs better than anywhere else you can test without buying 5 avrs to bring home.
The Denon was Dull - not just to me but others.
Denon isn't Denon anymore- they are marantz lite.
I think you came to the wrong forum. The folks here take a no nonsense scientific approach that involves data, measurements and double blind testing. Do you know what that is? Of course your ears are the final judge, but there are plenty of correlations in proper objective measurements that coincides with subjective perception.
The differences you're hearing could be a number of reasons. Number 1 is your listening space is the best place to demo something. BB rooms are a mess for acoustics. Also, if a salesman is trying to push certain products, it would be easy to make one 'sound' better by using eq or room correction software, while turning it off on the Denon. Or he just flat out might be too stupid to understand how it works.
Also, level matching is very important when you're evaluating equipment like this. And I'm not talking about matching the numbers on the dial, true level matching with a spl meter. Even a 1 or 2 db bump in volume can make one amp 'sound' better because of the way our brains process and perceive sound.
The point is, unless you know for a fact they were truly on a level playing field, with
all things equal, then it wasn't a real comparison.