Hello all,
Yes, this is another "I don't know which amplifier to choose, please help me!" kind of post.
After reading many of these I feel like I should start to tell the story of my life and some of you would probably be able to match me a perfect amplifier for my taste... But the truth is, I don't know much. You can skip the story to go straight to the point.
I come from an Onkyo LS3100 system (I know... I know...) which started to annoy me seriously due to volume variations. One afternoon, I randomly entered the audio shop at the corner of the street and the salesman sat me in front of some KEF LS50. I didn't know if I was to praise the man for bringing awareness to me or hate him considering the spendings that were to come.
Few weeks down the line, here I am trying to select pieces of my first audio system. Yes, I liked the LS50, yes I could tell the difference between them and the Dynaudio Emit M20 and tell what I liked in both. But that's about it. One thing for sure, I am not ready to make the jump to a LS50 based system. So I tried to take advantage of my ignorance and untrained ear to start with something cheaper, probably around Klipsch speakers.
Then came the choice of an amplifier. I have a very small room (about 18m2) so power shouldn't be an issue. I exclusively listen to digital sources (I'll subscribe to a Hi-Def service) and watch movies from a computer. So I started to look for an amplifier with optical in and subwoofer out as musts. USB in (DAC) and Bluetooth are real benefits but not vital (still really good to have with Hi-Def streaming it seems). It looked to me that these were really not that easy to find but the Elac had it all with even an EQ feature in it (can't evaluate how useful it is but I guess it is nice to have). All was fine...but the price! Yes I know these things are expensive but it is rated at 40w per channel in 8o and costs 800-900 euro! By the way, is this sufficient to drive a pair of Klipsch RP-280F?
<End of Story>
So before I bleed that much out (I'm still at the level when it hurts), I would like to get other suggestions. There must be other options, maybe even some with a better feature/power/price balance?
I would have loved to stay around 500 euro but I guess it is unrealistic..? Maybe second hand?
So again, I'm looking for an amplifier which need not to be a power monster (but more is better right?), can drive a pair of Klipsch RP-280F, must have optical in and subwoofer out then USB DAC and optionally Bluetooth, all in a price range (way) below 900 euro.
I hope you'll have plenty of suggestions so even if it doesn't cost less, I still can have the feeling to have chosen...