Did the raised beds have good drainage? I installed mine a few years ago and dug fairly deep, put a layer of 2"-3" stone and filled it with gravel before the soil went in. I put a layer of landscape fabric over the gravel. Unfortunately, my neighbor put green fuzzy crap in the chain-link fence, to keep the dog from going nuts whenever it saw movement in my yard, so that blocks the sunlight. I set it up so it's North to South, which didn't work as well as I had hoped, so I plan to move it so it's East-West. I want more herbs and spices, as well as peppers and tomatoes.
I don't use any chemicals for my veggies/herbs, just compost- we have curbside pickup for bagged material, but I don't do that. Grass always goes onto the pile and I don't rake often in fall. I developed a hatred for doing that as a kid and since it's usually windy, it's just a waste of time and effort so I use my mower to mulch the grass and leaves, dump it on the pile and when I run out of room, THEN, I lay it at the curb so the city can suck it up with their truck.
Free dirt is good- been doing that for over 20 years.