Good day!
Currently running 4 powered subwoofers off of my onkyo TR-SX806 . I have a PSW 505 with blown driver, would it be worth it put in an old car sub in it. That would give me a total of 5 subs in my 7.1. Also what about wiring 2 car subs in their own seprate sealed boxes off the amp in the PSW 505 in series? I use this stsyem for gaming, bluerays and hifi audio.
Photos of my set up
Onkyo tr-sx806, Polk rt400, Polk tsi200, cinemastage100,soundstage 200w sub, precision 200w sub, david 300 sub, Samsung 64" 3d plasma, hp laptop, Roku premier , cromecast,samsung 3d blueray, wii, Motorola cablebox,OTA antenna, PS4, harmony elite.