Hi Swerd, would using Joe's Rotel at 75wpc on just the fronts leave more power for the surrounds connected to his Marantz? Over all his system would have more power?
Using any two amplifiers along with their separate power supply transformers
might in theory provide greater power to the speakers compared to using amps sharing a single power supply transformer. It depends on the relative capacities of the power supplies.
I would guess that Joe might benefit more if he drove his front speakers with the more powerful Marantz power amp section, and his surrounds with the Rotel.
It's debatable how much increase in power is needed to hear a benefit. It depends on the speakers involved, the listener's listening preferences, and the acoustic properties of the room.
In my own limited experience, roughly doubling the power (for example from 30 wpc to 70 wpc) provided little if any audible change. When I roughly tripled the power (going from 30 wpc to 105 wpc), I could hear a difference. I've heard similar results going from a 70 wpc AVR to the same AVR used as a pre amp combined with a 200 wpc external amp – roughly triple the power.
Other than the differences due to greater amplifier power, I've never heard a significant difference in sound quality among different stereo receivers, AV receivers, pre amps, or external amps. I've looked for that in the past, but never did hear it.