I was visiting with a friend in San Francisco yesterday at her parents house. I get along well with her dad because he is a huge audiophile. While we were listening to music in his listening room. (this room is crazy, 25x25. A stereo based around a pair of B&W matrix 800's connected to a beast of a Bryston amp with a conrad pre. He also has 4 giant Mark Levinson Class A mono blocks stacked in the middle of the room that he doesn't use but a couple times a year because they are too complicated. A couple high end turn tables, a few high end CD players including the OPPO 93 and a Trigon Recall, and literally thousands of LP's and CDs lining the walls.)
So I notice a Marantz model 2238b stereo receiver sitting on one of his shelves. I ask him about it and he responds "oh that's garbage". I say well that garbage would probably sell for a couple hundred bucks on ebay. He pulls it down and gives it to me. Tells me hook it up to one of your systems, if you like it keep it, if not sell it and give half the money to my daughter, and half to your wife.
Well I just plugged it in to my computer system, and it is reallllly good. So I'm really torn now, it is literally the best receiver/amp that I have use for my computer system, but it is a huge 30 lbs beast that I will have a hard time integrating. Add to that I already have an old NAD receiver, a Sony, and a little parasound stereo zamp that I have picked up at various second hand locations.. Somethings gotta go..
What do you guys think? Do I keep the giant beast and try to find space for it? or do I sale it?