I use simple USB audio interface (besides connecting guitar and headphones) to output "line-level" audio to the integrated amplifier. I wonder is it safe to turn the volume all the way up on the source if there is no noticeable distortion out of the amp.
Interface (soundcard) is Behringer Euphoria UMC202HD, manual:
Amplifier is Onkyo A-9010, manual:
Manuals say:
- the interface output is rated as "maximum +3dBu" (~ 1.1V RMS).
- the amplifier input sensivity/impedance is "150 mV/100 kΩ" (~ -14.25dBu).
I don't hear any distortion/clipping briefly trying to maximize the volume on the source and not turning amp attenuator all the way up at the same time. I don't need maximum power out in my room, so I can leave the source knob on 1/3 or 1/2 level and hardly hit the 1/2 mark on the amp. But as I assume there is bit worse SNR in this case, I still want to know how to tell what the safe level is. It might happen that the amp is highly tolerant to the high input levels... but who knows.
The other idea I've had was buying just the power amp and connecting the audio interface directly to it (especially if it has so high output level), but that is another topic.