4k is easily resolvable on a 55" display at a distance of 10 feet, even according to the charts. I can here down to 15hz, a majority of people can't but you can definitely feel it, even if you're deaf. Lots of things are marketing hype but 4k isn't one of them and neither are infrasonic subwoofers. 1080p is too low of a resolution for a very large display, it's why theaters have been using 4k for longer than the consumer market has.
Nobody is going to argue that 196/24 is better than 48/16. Humans just can't hear above 22khz and most of us would be lucky to hear above 18khz.
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That's not the the argument, technically 24 bit 192khz is superior, however it's useless because the human ear can't discern that resolution, that is an absolute fact. Only the goldeneared audio-fools claim otherwise.
Sitting 10 feet from 55 inch 4K set is waste. All the data proves it.
"Looking for a new Ultra HD TV or a top-of-the-line smartphone? Experts agree: tech fans crazy for sharper resolution are sometimes paying for more pixels than their eyes can actually see.
When it comes to televisions touting new 4K technology, "a regular human isn't going to see a difference," said Raymond Soneira, head of
display-testing firm DisplayMate Technologies.
In 2010, when Apple unveiled the iPhone 4, Steve Jobs explained that with the phone's breakthrough "Retina" screen, the eye could no longer distinguish between individual pixels on the display when viewed from an ordinary distance. The promise wasn't just a sharp screen, but a screen so sharp that further refinements would be unnoticeable.
Yet the number of pixels-per-inch (PPI) on mobile devices
has been on the rise. The iPhone's pixel density has stayed the same at 326 PPI, but Android-powered competitors such as the HTC One and the LG G2 have screens that rate well over 400 PPI.
Meanwhile, as shoppers line up with their holiday carts, stores are starting to carry "Ultra HD" TVs — also called 4K. These sets have a resolution of 3840 x 2160, or four times as many pixels as ordinary high-definition TVs. But even those standard HD sets, at the distance viewers regularly watch them, can be considered "retina" resolution. The number of pixels is quadrupled for 4K TVs, but experts say that in most cases, the human eye cannot even perceive the difference.
"There's going to be some density beyond which you can't do any better because of the limits of your eye," said
Don Hood, a professor of ophthalmology at Columbia University, in a phone interview with NBC News."