I voted this morning



Seriously, I have no life.
But so what? What's that fact good for? I know it's used to create more fear of Muslims and of Islam. And I know people of other religions like to cite it in some kind of my religion is superior to your religion sort of way. But with such a very small percentage of the world's Muslim population engaged in terrorism, I don't see why that fact is important. If there are 100,000 Muslim terrorists in the world, then that would be 0.007% of the Muslim population. It's not useful at all at talking about Islam or Muslims. Just trivia.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Why? Did you lose yours? Just like every other major text that's no longer copyrighted, it's on the Internet.
I have a physical copy as well as one of the Bible and even a copy of the Urantia tome, all of which I've read. That you haven't explains to me your sundry uninformed comments.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
I have a physical copy as well as one of the Bible and even a copy of the Urantia tome, all of which I've read. That you haven't explains to me your sundry uninformed comments.
What about the Necronomicon? Betcha haven't read that one.


If you don't get the point of that list, I can't help you.

I do get the point. Tying that to there are more terrorists that are Muslim just generates fear and bigotry. Be about like saying, "Did you know that the majority of white supremacists are Christian?" That's undoubtedly true, but it's not reflective of the very large majority of Christians. The problem with white supremacists is that they are white supremacists, not that they are Christian. The problem with radical Islamic terrorists is that they are radical terrorists, not that they are Islamic.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Why should I? I wrote it.
So you are the mad poet of Sanaa Yemen, Abdul Alhazred, author of the ultimate evil and servant of the Ancient Ones, still alive after lo these many centuries!

Well, that would explain your conservative leanings. :D

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
So you are the mad poet of Sanaa Yemen, Abdul Alhazred, author of the ultimate evil and servant of the Ancient Ones, still alive after lo these many centuries!

Well, that would explain your conservative leanings. :D
I am the alpha and omega.


Seriously, I have no life.
I do get the point. Tying that to there are more terrorists that are Muslim just generates fear and bigotry. Be about like saying, "Did you know that the majority of white supremacists are Christian?" That's undoubtedly true, but it's not reflective of the very large majority of Christians. The problem with white supremacists is that they are white supremacists, not that they are Christian. The problem with radical Islamic terrorists is that they are radical terrorists, not that they are Islamic.
The ones who go around saying "I am or he/she was a good Christian" to anyone who'll listen seem to be the worst (Televangelists, families of dead people who were killed in some kind of shooting/stabbing incident/drunk driving/drug deal gone bad) and your example of White Supremacists. Anyone who thinks these people are "good Christians" needs to read the Bible and as for Muslims, there are many verses that recommend violence or death in the Q'Ran which seem like the polar opposite of "turn the other cheek" and that's why I have a problem with this. Many Muslims want Sharia Law in their new countries and that doesn't work- they shouldn't expect to leave their homeland because it's a war-torn hellhole and go to a new place, forcing their ways on the overwhelming majority to comply, under threat of death. Look at the Muslim rioting in Europe, Turkey and other places- Turkey is threatening to release tens of thousands of "refugees" from the Middle East and Africa into Europe because the EU is balking at letting Turkey join. Even Angela Merkel is having second thoughts about the wisdom of allowing so many into Germany and that's not out of hatred, it's because they can't conduct themselves in a civil manner.




The issue for many is that if the refugees are allowed into a country in large enough numbers, they will eventually have enough voting power that the end result will be a complete overturn of the system of government.

Yes, I realize that it looks like I have forgotten what happened in North, Central and South America during Colonial times- I haven't. One main difference is that at that time, people were required to work for their place and the colonies were run as businesses, once the heads of the Pilgrims' homeland became involved. Initially, the English Protestants came to escape anything Catholic, but the money to get here mainly came from wealthy benefactors or the Crown, which wanted its cut of the action. If England/the Crown had wanted to stick its neck out, it could have just sent the military, but they let settlers go and take the hit. What those settlers did once they arrived is still not fully known, but the first had a hard time, partially because they didn't reach shore until Winter, at a time when the water level wouldn't allow them to anchor closer to land.

All of that aside, they DIDN'T come here to take over by violence and to overthrow any inhabitants, they came to escape religious prosecution and their perceived tyranny. The latter, as we know, caused the Revolution.


Audioholic Overlord
I really hope the recounts go well and prove out the computerized results.
While I would rather Trump not be president (I can say I'd rather Hillary have won, but that is the reality),
The idea that Russia (or anyone) hacked and controlled our elections is a bit disconcerting!
I don't know I believe the Green Party's line that "it's not about Hillary", but if our elections are being manipulated, that is important to know!


The ones who go around saying "I am or he/she was a good Christian" to anyone who'll listen seem to be the worst (Televangelists, families of dead people who were killed in some kind of shooting/stabbing incident/drunk driving/drug deal gone bad) and your example of White Supremacists. Anyone who thinks these people are "good Christians" needs to read the Bible and as for Muslims, there are many verses that recommend violence or death in the Q'Ran which seem like the polar opposite of "turn the other cheek" and that's why I have a problem with this.
Leviticus 20:13, King James version
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

I don't see many Jews or Christians killing gay people. Somehow they managed to resist. I will repeat. There are an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims in the world as of 2010. Somehow the very, very large majority of them are resisting radicalism too. Look elsewhere for the major factors that are creating radical Islamic terrorism. Blaming the religion doesn't solve the causes. It just makes things worse.

Many Muslims want Sharia Law in their new countries and that doesn't work- they shouldn't expect to leave their homeland because it's a war-torn hellhole and go to a new place, forcing their ways on the overwhelming majority to comply, under threat of death. Look at the Muslim rioting in Europe, Turkey and other places- Turkey is threatening to release tens of thousands of "refugees" from the Middle East and Africa into Europe because the EU is balking at letting Turkey join.


The issue for many is that if the refugees are allowed into a country in large enough numbers, they will eventually have enough voting power that the end result will be a complete overturn of the system of government.
Either you are fear mongering, or a victim of it yourself and just repeating it. "Tens of thousands of refugees" will not overwhelm Europe and result in "complete overturn of the system of government." It would take many tens of millions spread throughout Europe to do that.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I really hope the recounts go well and prove out the computerized results.
While I would rather Trump not be president (I can say I'd rather Hillary have won, but that is the reality),
The idea that Russia (or anyone) hacked and controlled our elections is a bit disconcerting!
I don't know I believe the Green Party's line that "it's not about Hillary", but if our elections are being manipulated, that is important to know!
I hope Hillary gets all her supporters back in the hotel for one more time just so we can see their faces. Maybe have them preached to by Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Gloria Estafan, Beyoncé, Jay Z, and others with a nice concert. And maybe a TV special with Colbert and Chelsea Handler.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Leviticus 20:13, King James version
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
Nothing like quoting the Internet without having a reasonable understanding of the topic, Leviticus is Old Testament. Find out the difference between Old and New then you'll see why Leviticus doesn't apply.

[quite]I don't see many Jews or Christians killing gay people. Somehow they managed to resist. I will repeat. There are an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims in the world as of 2010. Somehow the very, very large majority of them are resisting radicalism too. Look elsewhere for the major factors that are creating radical Islamic terrorism. Blaming the religion doesn't solve the causes. It just makes things worse.

Either you are fear mongering, or a victim of it yourself and just repeating it. "Tens of thousands of refugees" will not overwhelm Europe and result in "complete overturn of the system of government." It would take many tens of millions spread throughout Europe to do that.[/QUOTE]
Gallup has done sundry polls on people's positions. Here's just one: http://www.gallup.com/poll/5380/gallup-poll-islamic-world.aspx


Seriously, I have no life.
Leviticus 20:13, King James version
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

I don't see many Jews or Christians killing gay people. Somehow they managed to resist. I will repeat. There are an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims in the world as of 2010. Somehow the very, very large majority of them are resisting radicalism too. Look elsewhere for the major factors that are creating radical Islamic terrorism. Blaming the religion doesn't solve the causes. It just makes things worse.

Either you are fear mongering, or a victim of it yourself and just repeating it. "Tens of thousands of refugees" will not overwhelm Europe and result in "complete overturn of the system of government." It would take many tens of millions spread throughout Europe to do that.
"Tens of thousands..."? Germany let in close to a million refugees last year, alone. This year, the number I have seen is near 800K. That's jusst one country and England seems to be the destination of choice. Remember the soldier who was beheaded in England a couple of years ago? Probably not. This has happened in other places, including the US. Tell me it's all going to be OK. Please tell me it's all going to be OK!

Maybe they're not resisting radicalism, maybe they're just waiting until it's already in place before acting that way.

BTW- have you heard of Taqiyya? If not, look into it.


"Tens of thousands..."? Germany let in close to a million refugees last year, alone. This year, the number I have seen is near 800K. That's jusst one country and England seems to be the destination of choice. Remember the soldier who was beheaded in England a couple of years ago? Probably not. This has happened in other places, including the US. Tell me it's all going to be OK. Please tell me it's all going to be OK!
"Tens of thousands" was originally your point, your words, not mine.

If you put aside your fear you'll see there's an economic limit on how many refugees any country can reasonably take in. If they take in 10% of their population in refugees with the intention of giving them a path toward citizenship, that places a huge economic burden on a country. It raises unemployment dramatically. It creates tremendous problems with housing. And of course, somebody has to pay to feed all of them. Provide health care. European countries will slow down the acceptance of refugees from the Middle East long before radical Islam can take over.

Maybe they're not resisting radicalism, maybe they're just waiting until it's already in place before acting that way.

BTW- have you heard of Taqiyya? If not, look into it.
OK. I'm done on that note.

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