This is exactly what Crown is designed for. I'm not sure of the musicality of the system, but they pretty much speak directly about voice reinforcement in their literature. About how people will be heard. Lots of power there, and good build quality. My only question, and it is a question, is how they really perform, compared to A/B type amps, in home theater.
We use Crown all the time with AMX, PureLink, Crestron, and the rest, and in our 'nobody cares about quality' sound systems, where they want reliability, in auditoriums, board rooms, and command centers, Crown is great. As is Extron, or Crestron, or a long list of others. All I'm asking is for is actual research, not just word of mouth, and I'm not talking about the manufacturer's specifications, but actual professional reviews, for the listening that is intended.
Which, still does not mean that I'm speaking against their quality.